Fates, Furies And Power Nuns

Lauren Groff In Conversation With Kate Evans

10.30 AM – 11.30 AM
Kambri Cultural Centre (ANU)

There’s something gorgeously, gleefully alchemical about Lauren Groff’s fiction. Her pages fizz and crackle with life. Beloved by readers and critics alike, every one of Lauren’s books is magnificently different. She’s written about the punctured idealism of 1960’s communes (Arcadia), the secrets and bargains of a marriage (Fates and Furies), and empire building nuns (Matrix). Power! Passion! Politics!

Lauren’s new novel is out in September. Where will her brilliant literary mind take us next?

(Please note: Lauren will be appearing live via Zoom).


LAUREN GROFF is the author of six works of fiction, including the novels Fates And Furies and Matrix, and the story collection Florida. Her new novel, The Vaster Wilds, will be published in September 2023.


KATE EVANS co-hosts ABC Radio National's weekly broadcast and podcast offering, The Bookshelf (with Cassie McCullagh). She regularly interviews writers at festivals; has a PhD in history and a ridiculous number of books.